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Month: October 2017

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  • fifth part-Plop Andrei – Provoker (Am I a revolutionary? Am I a Spy? Am I a gay? Did I work for interpol? Am I the new Nelson Mandela? Am I a Nazis? Who am I? )

fifth part-Plop Andrei – Provoker (Am I a revolutionary? Am I a Spy? Am I a gay? Did I work for interpol? Am I the new Nelson Mandela? Am I a Nazis? Who am I? )

Plop Andrei - Why Canadians are not Americans and why Poland is the most racist country in Africa I’m still aliveIn the spring of 2014 I spent three months in…

fifth part-Plop Andrei – Provoker (Am I a revolutionary? Am I a Spy? Did I work for interpol? Am I the new Nelson Mandela? Am I a Nazis? Who am I? )

Plop Andrei - Why Canadians are not Americans and why Poland is the most racist country in Africa I’m still alive Plop Andrei – Provoker  (Am I a revolutionary? Am…

fourth part-Plop Andrei – Provoker (Am I a revolutionary? Am I a Spy? Am I a gay? Did I work for interpol? Am I the new Nelson Mandela? Am I a Nazis? Who am I? )

Plop Andrei - Why Canadians are not Americans and why Poland is the most racist country in Africa Did I work for interpol? Any soldier involved in military conflicts is…

fourth part-Plop Andrei – Provoker (Am I a revolutionary? Am I a Spy? Did I work for interpol? Am I the new Nelson Mandela? Am I a Nazis? Who am I? )

Plop Andrei - Why Canadians are not Americans and why Poland is the most racist country in Africa Did I work for interpol? Plop Andrei – Provoker  (Am I a…

third part-Plop Andrei – Provoker (Am I a revolutionary? Am I a Spy? Am I a gay? Did I work for interpol? Am I the new Nelson Mandela? Am I a Nazis? Who am I? )

Plop Andrei - Why Canadians are not Americans and why Poland is the most racist country in Africa Am I a gay? The Russian embassy in Chisinau has more than…

third part-Plop Andrei – Provoker (Am I a revolutionary? Am I a Spy? Did I work for interpol? Am I the new Nelson Mandela? Am I a Nazis? Who am I? )

Plop Andrei - Why Canadians are not Americans and why Poland is the most racist country in Africa the public enemy! Plop Andrei – Provoker  (Am I a revolutionary? Am…

second part -Plop Andrei – Provoker (Am I a revolutionary? Am I a Spy? Am I a gay? Did I work for interpol? Am I the new Nelson Mandela? Am I a Nazis? Who am I? )

Plop Andrei - Why Canadians are not Americans and why Poland is the most racist country in Africa     Am I the new Nelson Mandela?         According to the legislation in force in…

second part -Plop Andrei – Provoker (Am I a revolutionary? Am I a Spy? Did I work for interpol? Am I the new Nelson Mandela? Am I a Nazis? Who am I? )

Plop Andrei - Why Canadians are not Americans and why Poland is the most racist country in Africa     Am I the new Nelson Mandela?        Plop Andrei – Provoker  (Am I…

the first part -Plop Andrei – Provoker (Am I a revolutionary? Am I a Spy? Am I a gay? Did I work for interpol? Am I the new Nelson Mandela? Am I a Nazis? Who am I? )

Plop Andrei - Why Canadians are not Americans and why Poland is the most racist country in Africa Am I a revolutionary? – the first chapter!      It is a…

the first part -Plop Andrei – Provoker (Am I a revolutionary? Am I a Spy? Did I work for interpol? Am I the new Nelson Mandela? Am I a Nazis? Who am I? )

Plop Andrei - Why Canadians are not Americans and why Poland is the most racist country in Africa Am I a revolutionary? – the first chapter!      It is a…

«Откровения провокатора» про «Революция Твиттера» 7 апреля 2009.

Plop Andrei - Why Canadians are not Americans and why Poland is the most racist country in Africa uuuuuu [youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xhw4mwwpcgQ?ecver=1] [youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oXjCLXBBMf4?ecver=1]        wwwwww [youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xXNLotyu5Sc?ecver=1]        numarul 75 pe…

«Откровения провокатора» про «Революция Твиттера» 7 апреля 2009.

Plop Andrei - Why Canadians are not Americans and why Poland is the most racist country in Africa uuuuuu         wwwwww        numarul 75 pe lista!Lista candidaţilor la funcţia de…

Linia Maginot a Uniunii Europene

Plop Andrei - Why Canadians are not Americans and why Poland is the most racist country in Africa Monday, February 02, 2015 Prin luarea măsurilor de siguranţă, se urmăreşte combaterea…

Stażyści – Edycja wiosenna 2014. Międzynarodowy Program Staży Parlamentarnych.

Plop Andrei - Why Canadians are not Americans and why Poland is the most racist country in Africa Bożena Sławiak, Oana Stoe, Jadwiga Zakrzewska, Plop Andrei Wiosną 2014 roku młodzi obywatele Niemiec,  Litwy,…

Stażyści – Edycja wiosenna 2014. Międzynarodowy Program Staży Parlamentarnych.

Plop Andrei - Why Canadians are not Americans and why Poland is the most racist country in Africa Bożena Sławiak, Oana Stoe, Jadwiga Zakrzewska, Plop Andrei Wiosną 2014 roku młodzi obywatele Niemiec,  Litwy,…

AXA Bruxelles – Moscova – Beijing – Washington

Plop Andrei - Why Canadians are not Americans and why Poland is the most racist country in Africa Thursday, January 23, 2014 La o simplă analiză găsim patru centre de putere…

Integrarea Republicii Moldova în structurile europ…

Plop Andrei - Why Canadians are not Americans and why Poland is the most racist country in Africa  Thursday, July 18, 2013  Relaţia cu NATO a Republicii Moldova este una dintre…

Reforma sectorului de securitate şi apărare a Republicii Moldova

Plop Andrei - Why Canadians are not Americans and why Poland is the most racist country in Africa Tuesday, May 07, Relaţia Moldova-NATO, îsi are inceputul la 6 ianuarie 1994,…

Titlul lucrarii : Rolul mass-media în reflectarea conflictelor geopolitice .Concluzie

Plop Andrei - Why Canadians are not Americans and why Poland is the most racist country in Africa Lucrarea a fost publicata in 2015Concluzie Rolul  mass-media în reflectarea conflictelor rezultă…

Titlul lucrarii : Rolul mass-media în reflectarea conflictelor geopolitice 

Plop Andrei - Why Canadians are not Americans and why Poland is the most racist country in Africa Lucrarea a fost publicata in 2015ConcluzieIntroducere Capitolul I. Mass-media declanşează criza.  I.1.…